Sunday, November 14, 2010

Calming the Inner Critic

Last week in my HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS group we discussed CALMING THE INNER CRITIC...that very negative little voice that many women hear the minute they begin to eat foods that they think are forbidden. These foods might include any high carbohydrate foods such as high sugar, high calorie or fattening foods like cookies, cakes and candy. Once eaten, the inner voice tells them that they are horrible and should be ashamed of themselves…"YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EAT THIS!" From there it is all downhill with SELF-LOATHING, SELF-CRITICIZING and SELF–HATRED. Sound familiar?

For some it only takes a bite of the forbidden food while for others the damage begins after hundreds of calories are consumed. Where did we learn such hatred towards ourselves and who taught us that even a morsel of any food could create such havoc? This comes from a place where the message of thinness and skinny is loud and clear; from Hollywood and the Diet industry.

Today, no matter where you are in your life or journey I want you to know that I understand. If you are struggling and fighting with food it is important to understand that there is a positive alternative to looking at food in a healthy way. That ALL or NOTHING mentality has to be stopped. Allowing yourself something of the so called forbidden foods is OK….enjoy it and eventually you might not even want it.


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