Thursday, August 27, 2015

We are in an epidemic!

I think that most of us on some level have some understanding that obesity is linked to major health problems including hypertension, diabetes, joint problems and even cancer. Study after study results in the same prognosis, in order to live longer and happier keep your weight managed, eat better and reduce stress. Obesity can be a  major health threat no matter how you look at it. Two-thirds of people with binge eating disorder are obese or 2 out of every 3 people and that is a lot of  unhealthy humans. Constantly eating a lot of food faster than your body can burn off the calories will surely put the pounds on, this is not rocket science just basically some poor choices that need to be changed in order to live a healthy life.  Research tells us that excessive body weight is definitely associated with all kinds of medical problems and yet some  just think that the magic diet such as cleansing, smoothies and starving themselves is the key to happiness.  Wrong, this thinking is a crap shoot and the odds are stacked against you. Let's get serious for a moment ~ Take a deep breathe and repeat after me I NEED TO TAKE CARE OF ME! That means moving your body, eating 80 percent of your daily calories from good foods that are good for you and while we cannot avoid daily stress some of us need to learn how to deal with it. Mediation, Pilates and even Yoga can clear out the brain if only for a short time. However the biggest issue that needs to be addressed is the reason that we feel the need to abuse, stuff and purge our bodies as well as our minds. This behavior of emotional eating only to put on the pounds  is so complicated, this is not a magic pill you swallow and you are instantly reformed, no it is so deep and as of today science nor the fitness industry has been able to stop the increased rate of  obesity and the stats are showing us it will only get worse. We are at an all time high of fatness in this country and all of us need to take a step back and look at our lifestyle and how we live our lives. Eating for emotional reasons, stress and some of our lifestyles are making us CRAZY! I am urging you today to really begin to evaluate your life and if you need to change then begin to make SMALL changes for a healthier future!

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