Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why I Exercise

I woke up the other day feeling tired and a little drained but I knew I had to teach a 9:30am step class at the studio. As I began to get my thoughts together to get myself motivated, I began to think about why I workout and have made FITNESS a daily part of my life. There are many reasons that I exercise and here are just a few.

* I look and feel better.
* After I workout I feel like I can conquer anything, including the need to binge or eat junk foods.
* I know that to lead and live a healthy lifestyle I need to exercise.
* I have better health and live everyday to the fullest.
* Exercise helps with depression.
* I can set goals that I can achieve. They are realistic and attainable.
* I can practice self-care. I preach it to everyone so living it is very important to me.
* When I feel better my self-esteem and self-worth soar.
* It feels good to sweat and burn calories, I know my body is thanking me but more-so my mind can go into an exercise zone.
* I see so many clients and realize that they, like me, have a better quality of life, because we take care of ourselves.

There are more reasons but let’s start here. I urge you to get off of the couch and start LOOKING AND FEELING better today!


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